The 2009 Farm Show has drawn to a close. Hundreds of thousands of people have poured into the complex. For anyone who likes to watch (or make photographs) of people it offers an outstanding opportunity.
During the draft horse show people lined up, stood on chairs, and peered through windows to watch.
If there is one thing Farm Show does not have enough of is places to sit down. Only the lucky find a nice bench to sit, eat, and relax.
At the Penn State Ag Sciences exhibit faculty from the
Food Science department were on hand to talk about ways to insure safe food handling. This person didn't want their picture taken but wanted to show the refrigerator thermometers that were being given away.
Rob Berghage, faculty member in the Horticulture department, was at the Farm Show to talk about
green roofs and green roof technology. I caught up with him before one of his presentations.
Martin Bucknavage, food safety specialist, was at the exhibit to talk about food science and safety issues and the food safety programs offered at Penn State .
Jonathan Ziegler,
assistant director of marketing, was one of the people who helped develop the Penn State exhibit and make sure things went as planned. I caught him checking information between presentations.
Extension Educators Debbie Gregory,
Huntingdon County, and Karen Bracey,
Wyoming County, were also working at the Ag Sciences exhibit and talking about food safety.
Cathy Guffey, Extension Educator in
Bradford County, was one of the many professionals who traveled to Harrisburg to provide support and education at the Penn State exhibit.
The theater area of the exhibit was popular between presentations for the chairs available and the videos about the
College of Agricultural Sciences that played throughout the day.
Also at the exhibit from the Department of Dairy and Animal Science were Sally Bair, news editor, and Terry Etherton, department head. Throughout the week Penn Staters were part of the Farm Show and make invaluable contributions to its success.
That's about it for the 2009 Farm Show. I see the Web cam is off and the trucks are being packed. In a few hours the building will be quiet. It won't be long though until planning for the 2010 Farm Show begins!