A New Day

Morning on the University Park campus. Students are away on spring break. The sun shines through the cold air. Beaver Stadium and Mount Nittany stand watch in the distance. A new day. I came to work knowing that Governor Corbett would be announcing his budget later in the day. News reports characterized it as a "day of reckoning". At the end of the day Penn State faced a $182 million reduction in state funding.

I shot this picture on the way to the office knowing the college would have to change direction in response to the cuts. What I didn't know was how much. Penn State responded in a news release about the devastating extent of the cuts.

Pitt, Temple, and Lincoln Universities, the other state-related institutions also received similar news. Mark Nordenberg, chancellor of the University of Pittsburgh shared his reaction to the cuts.

It's too early to know exactly what Penn State and the college will look like after these budget realities are implemented. Regardless, the college has a long tradition of stepping up to tackle challenges.

The bell is ringing again.


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